
The Foundation enriches our students’ educational experiences

As a Bay Village resident and parent of children who attend Bay Village schools, I have always been happy to support the Bay Ed Foundation because of the amazing ways the Foundation enriches our students’ educational experiences. From small endeavors like alternative classroom seating to large scale projects like the Middle School Maker Space, every student’s education has been improved in marvelous ways. 

Julie Meadows


The Bay Village Education Foundation is always looking for volunteers to review grant & scholarship applications, and to work with the Bay Village School District to identify and champion funding opportunities!  

Making a Gift

The Bay Village Education relies upon the generous support of donors to be able to fund grants that add quality to the educational experience in Bay Village.  You can send a donation to the address below or make a donation online at this link or by scanning the QR code below with a smartphone camera

Planned Giving

Estate plans that include the Bay Village Education Foundation are one way to help ensure the continuity of your commitment to the educational development of our children. Legacy gifts can be designated to support endowment growth, a named scholarship fund or left unrestricted to support the greatest need. BVEF can offer assistance in designing a planned gift that is perfectly matched to your educational values.

Advancing Your Educational Values

Interested in setting up a fund with the Bay Village Education Foundation to support specific educational goals that are dear to your heart?  If so, a trustee from our Donor Relations Committee can meet with you to talk through your goals and discuss ways in which BVEF can help you implement those goals.

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